M&G plc Student CV Review
Do your students need help to review and remaster their CVs?
With support from volunteers at M&G, you can offer your Year 11 and above students the opportunity to have their CV reviewed before applying for an entry-level, part-time or apprenticeship role?

What's involved?
This is a fantastic chance to help students prepare for their job search by receiving written feedback on their CV from a professional at M&G plc. The CV review service will also provide suggested edits and amendments to help students craft a CV which highlights their strengths and achievements.
To register your students for this opportunity, please complete the short booking form through the link below.
Please note that CVs submitted to TTF are anonymised before sharing with M&G plc colleagues. All CVs held by TTF are destroyed after 12 months.
Who's this suitable for?
This programme is available to students in Years 11 - 13, or S4 - S6 in Scotland.
Where is this delivered?
Our CV Review is managed via email exchange and independently reviewed by our colleagues at M&G.
Gatsby benchmarks
Make an enquiry
Step 1 - Phone our Schools Engagement Team
Phone our Schools Engagement Team on 0207 148 0934 to check eligibility*.
*Places are allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis to schools in our target cohort (higher than average numbers of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding).