7th June 2024 Mentors encourage skills for life

Shell Watson, a supervisor at Mavas Foods t/a McDonalds, has been supporting students at our M&G plc Skills for Life programmes in Middlesbrough.
Shell was encouraged to get involved through her manager, Dean Fitzmaurice, who had participated the previous year.
"Taking part has been very inspiring and has made me realise the challenges young people now face."
Volunteer highlight
"It’s amazing to watch the children gain confidence and put themselves out of their comfort zones by speaking to the mentors.
"After supporting the Skills for Life programme between January and March this year, I had the chance yesterday to go to one of the schools - The King's Academy - to support their Super Networking Day that The Talent Foundry had organised.
"As students from King's took part in Skills for Life, this gave me a chance to check in with some of the students I met through the programme, and it’s just amazing to see how much they have grown in confidence since the programme ended."
Benefits to young people
"Employers like us are looking for a range of skills in the next generation. It's important to consider good communication skills, listening skills, and to be confident in what they want, and to know how to get it.
"Connecting with volunteers from different industries can show them what’s out there and learn from our career experiences."
"I would encourage anyone to volunteer. It very rewarding to see the students grow and to feel like you have helped make that happen."
Thank you Shell!