17th April 2023 Middlesbrough develops young talent

40 young people from seven Middlesbrough secondary schools completed their fourth and final #SkillsforLife workshop in March 2023.
Over the course of the three month programme, the students took part in a range of skills development and employability-enhancing activities, including mock interviews and goal setting. The development of the students' confidence, maturity and aspiration over that period was clear for everyone involved to see, not least the students themselves.
We couldn't be more proud of the young people, and we're excited to be sharing some of their feedback, and that of their teachers over the coming weeks.
Jacob at student at Macmillan Academy?, said:
"I will use this project to my advantage in work environments."
Shaun a student at Unity City Academy?, said:
“I've enjoyed it so much. I'd love to do more programmes.”?
#SkillsforLife is only possible thanks to the support of M&G plc, the time volunteered by over 50 role models representing Middlesbrough businesses and national employers, and the commitment and motivation of the students and schools involved.
We're also extremely grateful for the ongoing support of Middlesbrough Council with whom we worked closely on this project.